I for one have been blown away by this fact. Not that it seems so terrible that we are fully one third done with the year, which in and of itself is quite difficult to wrap my head around, especially since it seriously seems like it was JUST January, and February, and March for that matter. And I know for a fact that I was JUST in April... but now it is May. It has officially been over a year since I graduated from University. A full year of not knowing what is next. That is also really difficult to accept. I know that God is sovereign, and He has a perfect plan, but golly if I didn't think (or at least hope) that He would have just pointed to a path and said "GO!" He hasn't yet, in case you're wondering. At least not that I've noticed.
That is a thought that scares me sometimes. What if I have been too busy doing my other stuff, or just not paying attention? What if I have missed the offramp (or on-ramp...think of it however you will) or misread the directions that God has given to me. Has He in fact pointed out a path to me and told me to take a step forward, but I missed it? Worse still, what if I was just too scared and decided that he must not have actually meant for me to take that path... "oh you know God, I know that I asked for an opportunity, but I don't think I'm ready for that... try me again!" That is a very sad thought, and I really hope that it is not the case.
So for now I will continue on in the path that I am on. And continue waiting on the Lord. Searching and seeking for whatever His will might be right now. I know that that can be a dangerous thing: to ask the Lord for direction, for purpose... because you really never know exactly where you will end up, but I think I'd rather be in His will than anywhere else.
Either way, it is May. Already. I can't believe it. El Cinco de Mayo already. Crazy.